Bronzer is a wonderful makeup tool to add warmth to your skin, contour your face to accentuate your fabulous features, or add a sun-kissed glow without the sun. Wondering how to pick the correct shade for your skin tone, or perhaps how to add a natural looking glow or contour to your face? We are here to give you all the best tips.
Contour Color vs. Bronzer Shade
Most bronzer shades are somewhat universal in color, so at Susan Posnick Cosmetics we only make one bronzer shade. We also add just a hint of shimmer to our bronzer to provide a very subtle glow, which disappears when using it to actually contour and then you simply apply your foundation color over the top. The warmer colors of the Susan Posnick COLORFLO self-dispensing brush work great as contour colors. Starting with the M8 for fair skin and then going up in color as your skin tone gets darker, there are shades for everyone. If you prefer a creme contour, then Susan Posnick’s COLORCORRECT #4 is ideal.
If you want subtle contour, shaping and warmth, then work with a bronzer as your contour. Remember, your bronzer shade should always be used to compliment your skin tone and add a natural warmth to your skin. An easy way to achieve this is to apply a dusting of bronzer to your entire face over your foundation.
How to Use Your Bronzer
Bronzer can be used as a contour for your face to accentuate or minimize your face shape, features, and bone structure. For example, you can contour your nose to make it appear smaller or your cheekbones to make them more defined.
If you are looking for a simple and easy way to contour your face, a great tip is to shape your face with the ‘number 3 technique’. Imagine a number 3 starting on the temples of your forehead, continuing down just under your cheekbones, and then the bottom of the 3 comes down to the jawline. You can apply bronzer or a contour color to these 3 areas of the face to quickly and easily give your face warmth and definition.
Another easy technique is to apply your bronzer to the base of the cheek bone, beginning close to the lower part of the ear, down the sides of the nose, across the chin, and the crown of the forehead. These are naturally shadowed areas of the face, so adding your bronzer to these areas will give you natural definition to really make your features pop. Always remember the key to natural-looking bronzing and contouring is blend, blend, blend, and the Susan Posnick Blending Brush makes it quick and easy to do.
Used a contour shade that is a little too dark? Or applied a little too much? That’s an easy fix with Susan Posnick’s COLORFLO foundation. You can brush your COLORFLO foundation shade right over the contour/bronzer shade to blend it out so it looks natural.
Warming the Skin
Bronzer can be used to warm the skin. A special tip for people with fair skin is to apply a dusting of bronzer to your entire face before you apply on your foundation. This technique will bring warmth to your skin and look natural under your foundation.
You can also apply a dusting of bronzer over your foundation to warm your skin tone. Bronzer can also be used on the eyelids to add warmth and shape to the eyes as a simple eye makeup look.
A Sun-Kissed Glow
To give your face a sun-kissed glow, simply brush your bronzer across the cheekbones and nose. This will give you that fresh-from-the-beach glow in just seconds.
Susan Posnick is a True Beauty Expert
Susan spent 20+ years working as a celebrity makeup artist traveling the world on photo shoots, commercials, and films. In addition, Susan was Mary Kay's personal makeup artist for 18 years. When she was diagnosed with skin cancer and was highly reactive to chemical sunscreens, she shifted creative direction and began creating a natural, healthy sunscreen/foundation that could be carried with you for all- day application and protection. This first product COLORFLO, is the original compact, multi-purpose color cosmetic line, designed to de-clutter your makeup life and routine, using healthy products.
Both Susan and her products have been featured in major publications and magazines; INSTYLE, Marie Claire, VOGUE, Allure, Real Simple, Lucky, and Town and Country.
Susan is the recipient of an International Humanitarian Award for developing COLORFLO and Brush On Block and educating on the signs and treatment for all types of skin cancers.
Susan Posnick Cosmetics are clean and healthy and may be purchased worldwide in spas, apothecaries, salons, and specialty retail stores and on our online store.
Feel free to contact us with any questions and purchase your healthy beauty products from Susan Posnick Cosmetics. We are always happy to assist.